Friday, May 4, 2012

Our Boys

was founded in 1963 during the sexual revolution. In the 1960's, sexuality became much more than something whispered behind closed doors, sexuality became political. In the beginning, Mantasy* was a simple organization
founded by none other than Jackie Kennedy.
Her grace and eloquence made the women aware of this secret society feel elite. Jackie loved John, but she was no fool. That was a time when women did not elect to become single parents, so Jackie created Mantasy*, a sex- free
brothel if you will.
It was not a carnal need that Jackie ached to fill, it was an emotional one. She recruited trusted friends who still wish to remain anonymous to open a house where women of class could have a conversation with a man about her
problems, dreams, fears, and desires.
When John F. Kennedy was assassinated, Jackie handed the company over to her friends. They moved from D.C. to different areas of the east coast, and it eventually went national.

The more times changed, the safer the haven a woman with dignity required. Sexuality became something admitted instead of ignored. Medical regulation and politics became involved in a topic once banned taboo.
Advertising, mass media, and pornography become ever more omnipresent, and woman accept being "glorified" as sex objects. No one outside of the company and it's members knew that all this time, women have been able to
appreciate the sensuality of a man without objectifying him.

Mantasy* continues to be a reliable service that provides access to compassionate and romantic men. If you know what you want, then we will get it for you! Times have changed and our location now resides on the Internet.
Mantasy* provides and advanced search bar to accommodate any wish you have. The options are live chat and live video chat, and each session lasts a minimum of one hour. An example of the live video chat could include a man
doing laundry or drying dishes as he comforts or sensually awakens you.

With Jackie Kennedy being Mantasy's* founder, the company image remains classy with her favorite pinks and reds and black. With Jackie comes much celebrity endorsement, ranging from Eleanor Roosevelt to Barbara Bush.

This is the public premiere of our secret society, it has remained a well kept secret for nearly five decades. We have decided that it is time for the public to be aware of our services in hope that the essence of
sexuality and sensuality can be recaptured, less regulated by the law, and return to what sexuality and sensuality are all about, connection. Our advertisements will be featured in women's magazines and alone the sides of
 home shopping websites, such as grocery store sites, furniture sites, etc. The images in the advertisements will reflect the core of our company, romance and fulfillment.

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